

Image source: Soltau, G., Steinrücke, J., Schramm, P., Kleinke, M. (2020): Effects of floods, flood polders and heavy rainfall on base floods, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt ed.), Aachen/Kleve.


Within the scope of this topic, the exchange between the consortia dealing with different groundwater modeling tools and methods is promoted.

Past activities
First joint meeting: 09.10.2023

On October 9, 2023, the first event took place within the framework of the cross-cutting topic "Modeling" of the BMBF funding measure "Sustainable Groundwater Management" (LURCH). The aim was to give the LURCH consortia the opportunity to exchange information on project content related to modeling and to identify possible interfaces. 52 representatives from the LURCH consortia KIMoDIs, GW_4.0, StressRes, WaRM, IsoGW, PFClean, NitratLurch and iMolch took part in this first exchange of experiences.

Each project representative explained the objectives and focus of the modeling work. This was followed by an open discussion in which the participants expressed their expectations of the cross-cutting topic, including the desire for joint problem-solving and increased efficiency.

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Despite the heterogeneity of the projects due to different models, scales and questions, some commonalities became clear and possible areas of specialization were identified, including decision support tools, soil water balance models and nitrogen modelling.

In the next step, a survey will be conducted to determine further requirements for possible areas of specialization. This will be followed by prioritization. The results were presented at the last steering committee meeting on November 29, 2023 and further steps were discussed. Further meetings of the QST are planned for spring 2024.

Members of the funding measure will receive more detailed information in the member area. Registration at

Information event on the topic of data management

On 04.04.2024, an internal LURCH information event was held on the topic of data management. Both internal and external speakers were invited to this event, including representatives from the Federal Environment Agency (Maximilian Berthold and Falk Hilliges) and the NFDI4Earth (Jörg Seegert, Hela Mertens, Christin Henzen and Michael Finkel).

Mr. Berthold presented the National Center for Environmental and Nature Conservation Information, for short. The representatives of NFDI4Earth provided information on general aspects of data management in scientific projects and on the role of NFDI4Earth in the context of research data management in the earth system sciences. The NFDI4Earth user support network was also discussed. Finally, data management for integrated research in collaborative projects was discussed.

This event was designed for researchers and people with an interest in research data management who wanted to gain practical insights and new perspectives. Further information is available in the members area. The information event was attended by 36 representatives of the LURCH consortia.

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